Sunday 18 March 2012

How Did The Dream Begin?

     It all started back when my cousin and his now wife were planning their destination wedding.  At this time I was only seven years old, too young to go to the wedding as I was unable to take time off school.  I was truly disappointed that I was unable to go due to my older cousin being my best friend and my role model.  I made a vow to myself that I will one day fulfill this dream and go to the exact same place my cousin had his wedding at.  This was and is truly an important goal for me and to this day it is still my dream.

        I look back today and realize that my parents were right.  I could not take the time off school and the cost was too expensive for a seven year old kid who most likely would not appreciate it.  As much as I wanted to be there for my cousin’s special day, I knew that I will one day go there, go to the exact place they were at, and enjoy all the recreational activities with a better appreciation since I am much older.  I know once I go on this holiday, it will truly be special to me as it will help me connect back to my cousin and how this place truly changed his life, as it one day will change mine. 

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