Sunday 18 March 2012

Culture and People of Maui

      Studying cultural geography and considering myself as a cultural geographer throughout University, I have had the appreciation to study different cultures around the world and take much interest in how different cultures interact with their environment and the people around them.  I enjoy learning about different cultures which is why I want to educate myself about the Hawaiian culture prior to taking my dream vacation.
          The preservation of cultural heritage in Hawaii is very important to the people, which is why there are many museums, facilities and institutions that reflect the culture of the Hawaiian people all over the state.  Not only are the arts and dramas important to Hawaii, but their musical heritage is important and recognizable all over the world.  With pretty much any song coming out of Hawaii, within the first 3 seconds one can identify the origins of the song is Hawaiian due to the presence of the ukulele.  I feel this is such an important aspect in preserving cultural heritage and how this cultural heritage still remains very strong today as it is reflected in the recognition of their music.  

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